Tuesday 17 September 2013

Manic Panic

So in my previous post I wrote about how hard it is to find a decent long lasting red hair dye. I finally gave up on my search and decided to have a complete change around (thanks to my lovely other half who I persuaded to be my hair dresser for the day!). I ended up purchasing myself two Manic Panic colours. They were rather pricey at £12.50 each but I have heard such good things about the brand and decided to give them a go. I bought the colours Purple Haze (which glows under UV) and Hot Hot Pink. 
Here are the after photos...

Now these dyes only come in small tubes (4oz) and I was surprised that almost the whole pot of each was used while dyeing just the bottoms of my hair, which could get expensive as the dye is only semi permanent anyway. 
I couldn't tell you how easy it was to apply as I sat back and relaxed while I got the boyfriend to brush it on, bless his soul! But he didn't seem to complain too much so I don't think it was THAT hard, but I definitely recommend that you get someone to help rather than doing it yourself!

I got him to follow a YouTube tutorial about how to apply colour ombre, which if anyone wants to know just leave me a comment and i will try and find it! 

I'll finish this post here as it's getting a bit long but I'll post another blog post with pictures of how it looked after 2 weeks after the colouring :) 


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